A quick trip back to the Elling family history...
In documents about Hans Friedrich Elling, discussed in an earlier post, his parents were mentioned: Christian Friedrich Elling and Anna Catharine Maria Brecht. Scattered among the parish records for Dushorn parish were records for the village of Tietlingen and that was where many of the earliest Elling records were found.
The written record of baptisms for Tietlingen began in 1700 and several Elling baptisms were within the first years, among them Christian Friedrich in 1706. His parents were Johann Elling and Margaretha Gronhagen/ Grunhagen. I have a copy of that record, but it really is dark and unreadable and not suitable for posting. However, it reads:
Christian Friedrich Elling
born 10 July 1706, baptized 11 July
Parents: Johann Elling and his wife Margretha Gronhagen
Witnesses: Hans Feitger.
(Dushorn Baptisms 1706, page 73.)
No marriage entries for Tietlingen were recorded before 1712 and in that very year Johann Elling married again - probably this was the same Johann, but we can not know for sure. If this is our Johann, his second wife was Dorothea Liesebeth Helberges, daughter of Harmen Helberges on 24 Nov 1712. (Dushorn Marriages, p. 95.) (See record above under Anno 1712, 2nd entry.)
Christian Friedrich had two siblings named:
Johann - born 11 Dec, 1700, baptized 17 Dec. Parents: Johann Elling, no mother given.
Hinrich - born 22 July 1703, baptized 27 July. Parents Johann Elling and his wife Margretha Gronhagen. Witnesses: Hans Meyer from Tiedteln. (Dushorn Baptisms,1700 and 1703, p. 73.)
Johann Elling and second wife, Dorothea Liesebeth Helberges, have children baptized up until 1732. In 1734 when Christian Friedrich married, Johann had already died. Burial records for Dushorn begin in 1777, so that death record was unavailable.
Christian Friedrich Elling married Anna Catharine Maria Brecht on 11 March 1734 (Dushorn Marriages 1734, p. 95.)
On 11 March were married Christian Friedr. Elling, son of the late Johann Elling and Anne Catharine Maria Brechten, Hans Michael Brecht's legitimate daughter.
(See record in image above under Anno 1734)
Christian Friedrich and Anne Catharine Maria Brecht had children:
1. Hans Friedrich (our ancestor - see previous post)
2. Henrich Friedrich - born 1 Feb 1738, baptized 7 Feb. Witnesses: Friedrich Elling at Hage-?,
Jurgen Buswickel (?) at Walsrode, Johann Heinrich Otten at Utzen.
(Dushorn Baptisms 1738, p. 75)
3. Johann Georg - born 26 March 1741, baptized 30 March. Witnesses: Joh. Luig. Elling held
the child during the baptism. (Dushorn Baptisms 1741, p. 75)
4. Anna Margaretha - born 4 Oct 1745, baptized 8 Oct. Witnesses: Dorothea Margaretha Olffer aus Utze, Anna Margaretha Elling aus Honerdingen?, Anna Meyer aus ?
(Dushorn Baptisms 1745, p. 75.)
5. Georg Christian - born 16 ? 1748, baptized 18 ?. Witnesses Johann Georg Smalstieg from ?,
Joh. P. Kuh from ?, Hans Jurgen Kienbostel from ?
(Dushorn Baptisms 1748, p. 75)
6. Hans Jacob - born 21 aug 1750, baptized 21 Aug. Witnesses: Jacob Holtmann held the child
during baptism.
(Dushorn Baptisms 1750, p. 75)
7. Johann Heinrich - born 3 Dec 1754, bapt. 10 Dec. Witnesses: Heinr. Sals..., Carsten Juck from Oepke and David Meier, teacher at Vorbrugge near Walsrode.
(Dushorn Baptisms, 1754, p. 76)
Sometimes the records for Tietlingen show up in the Fallingbostel records, so it was really a search to find family documents. Tax and census records around 1700 could give us more information. The issue becomes the poor condition of the records and their readability.
I think it was interesting that the Elling family stayed in the village of Tietlingen at least from 1706 until probably after 1859 - over 150 years. Our ancestor immigrated in 1859, but he probably left behind family in Tietlingen. In fact, one correspondent talked about Elling family members there during his childhood, probably in the 1930's and 40's. I guess that is why I would really like to make a visit there someday. I have been sent photos, but it's just not the same as standing in that church where many of these baptisms and marriages and maybe even funerals took place. It's on my list.
All fascinating!