about 1 1/2 years younger than our grandfather Albert, Catharina
Dorothe Anna Emma Elling was often called "Katie." Katie was born August
25, 1889, in Freedom Township, Henry County. At the age of 26, she
married Henry Buenger, who was then 32, on April 21, 1915. Katie looked
rather tall in her wedding photo ... or Henry was a little short.
In the 1910 census, Katie was 20 years old and still living at home with her family in Swan Creek Township in Fulton County. Albert, 22, was also still at home, along with Harmon, 18; Henry, 16; Anna, 13; Theodore, 11; Minnie, 9; and Fred, 6. This census helpfully told us that Katie's father, Fred, was naturalized in 1860, and that he was farming with Harmon and Henry also listed as farm laborers on the home farm. Albert, however, was listed as a house carpenter.
After their marriage, the Buengers lived in Marion Township near Hamler, Ohio in Henry County when the 1920 census enumerator came around. There they owned their home, which was mortgaged, and had two children, Hilda, 3 and 9/12, and Luella, 1 and 4/12. (This census taker was VERY precise about ages!) Also living with them was Henry's mother, Catherine Buenger, 69, and widowed. Born in Hanover, Germany, she had immigrated in 1880 and was naturalized in 1886.
Henry Buenger, 47, and Catherine, 40, were found still in Marion Township in the 1930 census and this census kindly told us that they owned a radio. Their children living with them at this time were: Hilda, 14; Luella, 12; Esther, 9; Fredrick, 7; Martin 4 and 11/12; Arnold 2 and 2/12 and Mildred 9/12. BUT best of all, I found our great-grandmother living here with Katie and her husband: Marie Elling, Mother-in-Law, 67, and widowed, born in Germany. The census taker had written Na for Naturalized and then crossed it out, replacing it was Al for Alien, immigrated in 1876. More on that in a later post.