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March 21, 2011

At the Auction

Auction Day

When my great-great-great grandfather, J. George Delp’s auction was held in November 1851, a list of all auction items was generated with the buyer’s name and the price paid.  Again, it was a real insight into the meager holdings of this man as compared to today’s farmers, the value of things like ladles and plates, and the simple tools that were used to farm the land.
I’m not going to reproduce the entirety of that auction list here, but I did want to mention some things that were sold on that day.  These are items that I had to research because I wasn’t exactly sure what they were and what their use was. The auction clerk spelled the words phonetically, so some of the items are still unknown to me. 

4 barrels and some cheat – 37 ½ cents
Even though I was a farm girl, I had never heard the word cheat used as an object, but a quick research foray explained it all.  Cheat refers to cheat seed, weed seed that develops in the wheat and is harvested with it.  It would be removed from the wheat before the wheat is used.  We would call it rye grass or brome grass seed or similar.

Here I have to assume laythe = lathe, a machine for turning wood and shaping it.  I'm not sure what the hanging refers to, but maybe someone can help me on that?  I also thought about the type of lathe that would be used in a house...?

threshflails – 6 ¼ cents
This is a handheld threshing tool used to thresh grain.  In the 1850’s, it would have been two sticks, one longer than the other, usually connected by a chain.  One would hold the longer stick and swing it, forcing the smaller to hit the grain and knock off the husks, thence separating the grain from the chaff.
shakenfork & 2 rakes – 12 cents
A shakenfork was like a wide pitchfork, used to clean out the animal stalls of manure.  It would look like this.

iron wetch -37 ½ cents
Probably referring to a winch, just a spool and a handcrank used with a rope to lift up or let something down, like this.  

1 gimlet & 3 chisels- 37 cents   A gimlet is a hand tool, like this, for drilling small holes. 

1 drawnife – 25 cents
A drawknife is a woodworking hand tool used to shape wood.  It has a blade with a handle at each end and the user would draw the knife on the wood towards himself.  Here it is.

cowchains – 75 cents
This type of chain was used to around the neck of a cow and then was attached to a stall.

flaxbrake & oxyoke – 12 cents
Handfuls of flax were placed in a flax brake which has an upper and lower arm.  The upper piece was lowered, crunching the flax in between.  This process broke up the woody stalks. 

1 fanning mill - $1
 Used to clean corn or perhaps other grains, the fan would turn and blow the dust, small stones and other debris off.
You can view one here:  

1 grain cradle – 12 cents
This was a frame of wood with long curved teeth projecting above and parallel to a scythe for laying grain in bunches as it’s cut, like this.

Of course, the animals and crops were some of the more expensive things sold, but you might be surprised at what else brought in the most money. 
Just as in the old country, bedsteads were highly prized and valuable investments, often handed down to the next generation.  George Delph had four bedsteads, that being the framework of the bed, usually during this time period strung with ropes that would hold a feather mattress or a mattress stuffed with husks or other material in poorer families.  His bedsteads sold for $4, $2, and $5, with a “trunnel” (trundle) bed going for $2.   One clothes “cobert” (cupboard) went for $8.  As for other household furnishings, there was not much beyond dishes, knives and forks, “cittles” (kettles), crocks and pots.
Two blue coats sold for $5 each, while a brown coat sold for $3.  I had to smile when I read that two pair of “pantaloons” sold for $2.   In the 1850’s, pantaloons provided modesty for women who wore hooped skirts as the pantaloons covered the legs.  I would assume these once belonged to Christiana, Georg’s wife.

I noticed that a John Delp attended the auction and purchased these items – 2 old axes, some broomcorn, 1 sled, 1 bag of beens (beans), 1 lot of Redbeats (red beets), 1 red heifer, 2 barrels,  1 meatvessel (meat vessel), a lot of tinware and one box.  Joh. Delp appeared on the same immigration list as George Delp and was from the same village in Germany.  Were these men brothers?
Philip Heckler, the man who took in the orphaned Philip Delp and raised him, was also at the auction and purchased one blue coat, 1 vest (or chest – unreadable), and one lot of crocks.  Philip’s father was there, too, as were many other neighbors, I’m sure.

The total monies taken in at the auction was $466.09 ¼  with the summary dated 16 December 1851. 
This document truly gave insight into the daily life of this immigrant ancestor.

March 13, 2011

The Estate Packet

One of my most exciting finds in researching my genealogy happened on a day at the courthouse in Crawford County when I located the estate packet for my great-great-great grandfather, J. Georg Delp.  In a drawer almost to the ceiling of the room, my friend made the climb up the ladder for me and came down with a bundle of papers tied in a blue ribbon, obvious untouched since 1854 when they were placed there.  You see, after Christiana died on August 29, 1850, Georg Delp lived a little over a year before he also died on October 20, 1851, leaving orphaned children behind.
J. Georg Delp, Died Oct. 20, 1851, aged 45 y 10m 8d
St. Paul's Reformed Cemetery, Vernon Township, Crawford County, Ohio
Kile Road, .3 mi. east of SR 598
 I carefully unfolded each piece of paper, some just small strips torn from a larger sheet with IOUs written on them, signed by Georg; others were shopkeepers' tabs of expenditures Georg made at the shoemaker’s or the general store.  An appraisal of all his worldly goods was there, along with the auction list of what was sold, who bought it and for what price.  It was a treasure that allowed one to really see what life was like for this family in 1850.   I’m going to share some of those documents here.

One of the earliest documents was from the store of Andrew Kuhn – a running list of credits and debits that Georg and family had at his store.  At this time, there were ½ cents.  Here is the document and the transcription will follow with some punctuation added to help reading and links to photos of the more unfamiliar items:

Debits and Credits at the store of Andrew Kuhn, 1849 - 1851

George Delp  in account with Andrew Kuhn

1849                                                                                                                                                                        Dt            Cr
Sept 8th  to 1 gal. Molasses 50, thred 2.  Cr by amount of Butter, by Eggs 18 ¾                                                    52            48
Oct 30      1 wooden bucket 25, 1 brogin 20, 1 wash bowl 30                                                                                75
Nov 16     5 yds factory flannel 30 =1.50                                                                                                               1.50
Nov 27     2 axe handles 12 =25, 2 tin cups 5 = 10, 2 plates 5 = 10                                                                         45
               1 cloth cap 37, 1 barrel salt 1.75                                                                                                            2.13
Dec 12     1 gal molasses 50, knitting needles 5, 1 qt oil 20, 1 jug 10,  -?- 6                                                             91

Jan 15     1 dipper 12, 4 ¼ yds muslin 10 =42                                                                                                         55
Jan 28     8 yds calico 6.2=50,  whistle & candy 8                                                                                                    58
Feb 16     shoe thread 10, 4 yds calico 12=50, 1 yd calico 10, thread 6, hooks 6, candy 6                                      88
Mar 29     cinnamon 6, to palm hat 12, tea 10                                                                                                         28
Apr 30     1 yds barred mull 25, 2 ½ yd lace 5=15, thread 5, 2 lb coffee 15=30                                                      75
June 27   1 knife 12 ½, 2 handkerchief 17 ½=35                                                                                                    47 ½
Aug 5       2 lb rice 12 ½,   Cr by 4 lb butter 10=40                                                                                                  12 ½        40
Aug 10     1 gal molasses 50, candy 12, castor oil 15                                                                                              77
Aug 22     1 lb loaf sugar 16, ½ lb ginger 9, tea 12 ½                                                                                              38

(*My note – Christiana died on the 29th.  I wondered if the castor oil, ginger and tea were purchased because she was ill and these were used in treating her. Also I don't believe shoes were made into right or left shoes at this time, so one could buy one shoe to replace a worn one and it could go on either foot.)

Sep 6       1 gal molasses 50,    Cr by eggs 23                                                                                                        50            23
Sep 22     1 coffee boiler 75, nails & candy 7                                                                                                           82
Nov 22     Cr by 2 ¾ lb butter 10.2=27 ½  De to 1 ten gal lard can 1.00, candy 3                                                 1.03           27 ½
               1 speller 12 ½, 1 slate 12 ½, paper 5, 1 pocket knife                                                                              67 ½

Jan 16     1 bunch cotton yarn 1.12 ½                                                                                                                  1.12 ½
Feb 1       Cr by 148 lb pork 3 ¼ ct per lb = 4.81.   De to a basin 15                                                                      15            4.81
Feb 8       Cr by 11 ½ lb lard 6 = 69.  De to amt of calico and other goods                                                           1.20           69
Mar 8       2 tin cups 6 = 12, tobacco 5, 1 pair socks 25, 1 pair suspenders 12                                                        55
Mar 19     Cr by 5 doz eggs 6=31.  De to candy 2 & to 2 lb of coffee 30                                                 32            62
Apr 11     De to tobacco 6, 1 lb coffee 15                                                                                                                21
May 7      Cr by 8 doz eggs 6 = 50, Cr by 13 doz eggs =80                                                                                                    1.30
May 24    De to 13 yd calico 11=1.62, basket 20, 1 dipper 6, 2 crocks 6=12, 2 lb coffee 28                 2.29
June 2     Cr by 10 lb butter 10=1.00                                                                                                                                      1.00
Oct 18      rice & cinnamon 25, sugar 9, tin 19 &  ??                                                                                                53

(*My note – Strangely, there was no activity on this account all through the summer.  On the day of Philip’s death, October 20, 1851 and the day after, there was a flurry of activity at the store and goods were being purchased to sew and wear.  Who was doing the buying? Are they purchasing items to wear to the funeral? Perhaps Philip had been sick for a lengthy time, and aunts and/or uncles had already stepped in to help out in the previous months.  Since the mother had died, maybe someone felt the growing children were in dire need of clothing and they wanted the charges made to the estate, of course.
Just speculation.)

Oct 20      1 pair suspenders 25, 1 hat 1.00 per boy                                                                                                1.25
               6 yds shrand stuff 20=1.20, thred 5, 1 pair gloves 37, silk handkerchief 1.00                                          2.62
               5 yd alpaca 37 ½= 1.87  ½ , 6  yds alpaca 68 ½ = 4.12, 2 ¼ yds ?  28                                                   6.28
               2 pair stocking 20=40, 2 pair gloves 12=25, 2 caps for boys 31=62                                                        1.28
Oct 21      6 ½ yds calico 12=81, ½ gal molasses 25, making 3 dresses 25=75                                                       1.81
               2 lb sugar 9=18, rice 6, dried apples 16, 1 ¾ yd alpaca 50=87 ½, 3 ½ yds ? 12=41                               1.75
               3 ½ yd muslin 12=44, 4 skein silk thread 6=25                                                                                          69
               1 bou shoe black 6, needles 10                                                                                                                 16
               8 yds calico 12 = 1.00, 6 yds calico 12 = 75                                                                                             1.75
               1 shawls 1.00  do (ditto) 1.00, 1 leghorn bonnet 2.00, do 50                                                                  4.75

Takin over                                                                                                                                                               42.79       9.81
(*My note - There was a second page that I did not scan to show here.)

1851 Brought up from opposite side                                                                                                                       42.79       9.81
Oct 22      2 comb 12 = 25, peper 6, alspice 5                                                                                                             36
               5 yds calico 12 = 62 ½, 1 yd muslin 10, 2 yd calico 6 = 12                                                                           85
               1 ¾ yd muslin 12 = 22, spools & thread 15, 1 pair shoes 1.12 ½                                                            1.50
               Cr by 4 ½ lb butter 51,  De to 2 lb coffee 12=25                                                                                         25           51
               3 yd ribbon 25=75, border 12, doing up 12                                                                                             1.00
              stuff & making alpaca bonnett 70, making 3 dresses 33 1/3                                                                    1.70
               4 yds calico 10=40, 4 yd rd  ?  6=25                                                                                                           65
               a batton 12, making underskirt 37 ½,   Cr by butter 32                                                                              50            32

               (My note - couldn't find a good definition for batton/batten)                                                                                                                                                    --------------------------------
                                                                                                                                                                                49.60       10.64
                                                                                                                                                                      -         10.64
                                                                                                       Justice fees                                                         .12 ½

                                                                                                                                                                                39.08 1/2

March 11, 2011

Johann Georg Delp, 1805 - 1851

Johann Georg Delp was born December 1805 in Klein Bieberau, Hessen, Germany.  At about the age of 29, he left Germany bound for America.  The History of Crawford County states that from Baltimore “…the entire company proceeded westward and with wagons and teams finally reached Crawford County, Ohio.  They located on wild land in Vernon township three miles northwest of Crestline.”

Despite going through the entire 1840 census, page by page, for Crawford County, I was not able to find any Delp, Heckler or Lautenschlager names – three families that traveled together.  I also tried Richland County and failed to find them.  So either the families were in such a remote area of the county that the census taker did not go there, or they were somewhere else completely at this point.  Since the 1840 census only lists heads of households and not the names of each family member in the home, it might be possible that they were staying with others at that time.  So the exact location of Georg Delp in 1840 is unknown.

I have also not located any marriage record for Georg and Christiana, but at some point between 1834 and 1837 at the birth of their first child, I would assume a marriage took place.  Georg and Christiana settled in Jackson Township, Crawford County and had five children there: Elizabeth, born around 1837, Margaret born about 1839, Caroline born 1843, Philip born 1845 and George born 1848. 

In the 1850 census, Johann Georg was using his middle name Georg as his called name, a common practice among the Germans.  Georg, 45, a farmer, and his wife Christiana, 43, both born in Germany were living in Jackson Township, Crawford County, Ohio, with children Elizabeth, 13, Margaret 11, Caroline 5, Philip 4, and George 2 and Charles Frank.  The census taker was there on August 8 and three weeks later, on the 29th, mother Christiana Delp died.
Christiana Delp, wife of George Delph, died Aug. 29, 1830, age 42y 2m
St. Paul's Reformed Cemetery, Vernon Twp. Crawford County
Kile Road, .3 mi. east of SR 598

The photos below from the old scrapbook is from a set of pages called “Visiting Relatives in Crawford County.”  One photo was of a lowly, hewn log cabin that appeared to be on the property of those being visited.  It made me wonder if this was the old homestead and maybe this cabin was where Georg and Christiana settled; I’m at least sure it would be similar.

Old cabin in Crawford County, probably on property where Delph relatives lived, the more modern house being barely visible in the background.
Then I wondered if this old fellow would have been Philip's brother, George, but not one
photo labeled, so we'll never know. 
It will take some more research to find out just where this home was located.  I do have an old plat map showing the land, but I forgot to label what year!  I guess another trip to Crawford County is necessary!

Label your photos, everyone!

March 8, 2011

The Immigrant - J. Georg Delp

Georg Delp and Christiana Lautenschlager Delp were the immigrant parents of Philip Delph, my great-great grandfather.  Georg emigrated from Germany in 1834, along with others whose lives would intertwine in Crawford County, Ohio.  During those days, it was advertised to the German people that there was very cheap land in the American West.  In 1834, Andrew Jackson was president, our country was just 58 years old, and Ohio was considered the "West."

Georg Delp came from the village of Klein Bieberau, a small village in Germany, known as a village of weavers.  He and others from his village and other small towns close by made their way to Bremen in northern Germany to board the ship, Lucilla in August 1834.  The ship landed in Baltimore and on September 18th, James Myers, Master of the ship, was required to present a list of "all who have been taken on board the Said Ship at Bremen or at any other foreign port or at Sea and brought into any district of the United States Since her (leaving) the Said Port of Bremen." 

From the ship's passenger list provided by the captain, we know that 102 adults, 17 children from ages 5 - 12,  and 2 children under 5 were transported on that voyage of the Lucilla.
In 1834, Fell's Point in Baltimore was the second most important port for immigration in the United States.  From 1800 up until the Civil War, eighteen shipyards in Baltimore were busy building ships.  The Baltimore brigs were a two masted ship with square rigs on both masts.  The ships were used to carry goods from Maryland, like tobacco and flour, to Europe and on its return, the ships were filled with immigrants.  Accomodations were crowded, but by law each immigrant was required to have a berth 18 inches wide and 6 feet long.  Travelers had to bring their own bedding and food.  It was probably at least a 2 - 3 week trip across the Atlantic, depending on wind and weather. 

It is thought that Georg was born in December 1805, making him about 29 when he made this journey.  I do not know at this point if his future wife Christiana was with the five adults in the Phil. Lautenschlager group on this ship or if she was already in America.


The red star indicates the location of Klein Biberau, south of Frankfurt and north of Heidelberg in Hessen.

March 5, 2011

The Old Scrapbook

When my cousin told me that she would let me have a look at an old photo album of Great Grandma Ordway's she had rescued from a pile that was going to be burned, I was so excited.  I really didn't have that many old photos from the Ordways or Delphs, so what good fortune it was to have these pictures.  Some faces were easily recognizeable, but some will never be identified.   Even when we couldn't name the faces, the photographs, themselves, give all of us a peek into what life what like in the early 1900's.   

Great-Great Grandmother's (Elizabeth Delph Ordway) Scrapbook
Unfortunately, many unidentified photos

My grandfather, Fritz Ordway, feeding the chickens with his mother, Elizabeth Delph Ordway

My great-grandmother, Lizzie Ordway, doing the laundry.
Do we have it easy or what?

Pete Bensing and my great-grandfather,
Lemuel Ordway.  No wedding ring on Lem's finger and he married in 1897.

Great-Great Grandparents, Philip and Elizabeth Witzgall Delph
"The Brick Block"  - the main drag of Malinta.  I think the Delph
store was under the awnings somewhere.
Great Grandpa and Grandma Ordway's house - after the porch and kitchen addition.  Eventually,
I remember that the porch was screened in and it had a wonderful porch swing where we spent hours. 

From Left to Right - Elizabeth Delph Ordway, unknown, Marie Ordway, Lemuel Ordway
Do you suppose this was their new car?  Anyone know the make and model?

Great-Grandpa, Lem Ordway, pumping his water.  Maybe he's pumping bath
water into that tub. They never did have running water in their home. 

Many, many thanks to Mary Seibert for letting me scan some of the photos
in this scrapbook!  I'll post more later.