April 2, 2013

Book Review - Captive in Iran

Captive in Iran

Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh

with John Perry

How strong is your faith?  Could you withstand torture, living in filth, the threat of execution and still proclaim Christ your Savior?  

In Tehran, just a few years ago, the authors were arrested for proclaiming themselves Christians and for distributing  New Testaments written in Farsi to people in Iran.  Supposedly, it was not a crime to be Christian, but it was a serious crime to evangelize…the crime of apostasy.  Charged, the two women were imprisoned in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran for over nine months.  While many would shiver in fear and deny their religion, Maryam and Marziyeh saw their experience as a chance to witness to Christ among the murderers, thieves, prostitutes, angry guards and others who were there.  Many women were charged and imprisoned unjustly.  We learned of their stories and of the laws which denied women any basic freedoms in Iran.  The authors became friends to many of the prisoners because Maryam and Marziyeh were humble and generous and prayed with anyone who requested it. 

The authors endured numerous intense interrogations and poor health because of the lack of adequate medical care and the filthy living conditions, yet they remained firm in their stance for the right to share the story of a forgiving, loving and merciful God.  Many conversions were made as they prayed with those who seemed to have little hope.

Eventually, they learned of the outside world’s notice of their imprisonment and the pressure being placed on the Iranian government to release them.  It was a delicate matter as the Iranians wanted to save face, but eventually the acquittal was obtained and Maryam and Marziyeh were set free.  They never gave in to the pressure to deny Christ to save their own lives, even under the threat of execution.
The authors

It was amazing to learn about the ridiculous laws that govern a woman’s life in Iran – so out of touch with the modern world.  How could anyone not be influenced by the strong faith of the two authors who, while protecting their Christian friends, would not deny their own Christian beliefs and their right to witness to others?  Truly an inspirational story!

This book was provided to me by Tyndale House Publishers for my review.  The opinions in the review are solely my own.

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