November 6, 2011

Get-Away Along the Ohio River

A few weeks ago Hubby and I decided to take a four day trip into southern Indiana, taking only the two lane highways when we could.  Our goal was to stop in Nashville, IN and Madison, IN and then to highway along the Ohio River into Ohio and back home.

Driving on the back roads reminded me of the trips to Florida we took as children with our parents in the 1960's.  No I-75 existed, so getting to Florida meant cruising the hilly backroads of Kentucky and Tennessee, car sickness, Mom and Pop restaurants and motels and lots of nature to view.  Of course, we didn't appreciate those nature views so much then, but we sure did eat hamburgers and French fries for about ten days straight!

After an overnight stay and a theater stop in Nashville, we headed down to Madison and a visit with Hubby's cousin and wife.  Madison rests right on the Ohio River, has some very interesting buildings, and a lot of history. Below is the Ohio River bridge into Kentucky at Madison.

Some of the most interesting sites for me were the tobacco fields along the river, the tobacco barns, and some of the old homes built with river rock. 

We ended the trip in Columbus with sister and family and dinner at the steakhouse.  A wonderful fall weekend! 

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